Thursday, July 17, 2014

Oh say can you see by the dawns early light...

(I was on vaca over the 4th and missed posting this letter. -Jackie Hirschi)

Happy Independence day to one and all. 




Can you truly appreciate the United States of America until you have lived outside of the United States of America? I attest that one cannot. It is a blessed country.



But I write as one with a heavy heart. Changes will be this Saturday, and while I STILL (incredibly) cannot say whether or not I will be leaving San Ignacio, I have a hankering. 


Regardless, I will be grateful. Grateful for the time I have been allowed among these beautiful people and grateful that the Lord trusts me enough to send me to destroy another town with my nefarious undertakings. 


hahahaha what does that even mean. 


I regret to inform you all that I have fallen mildly ill this week. Nothing drastic, but I sound pretty masculine. Funny thing is--Belizeans keep asking me if I drank something cold. or if I took a shower after I ate something hot. According to their science, Belizean science, one may become sick when indulging in the above mentioned activities. I have tried refuting them, and asking for some supported scientific evidence. But they are insistent! 


Apart from that we enjoyed the baptism of B. His father and sister were baptized just a few weeks ago! My dear companion and I had everything ready to go on time, but Belizeans are extremely casual. I was ready to go at 11 am--the decided start time of Brandon's baptism. His family showed up at noon. By that point I was on the floor having a nervous breakdown and convulsing. But once we finalllly got started everything went wonderfully. There was a lot of support and B was beaming! 


Can I just say. Nothing. Absolutely 




compares to the joy of bringing a family together in following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ! I am amazed at this family's understanding of the atonement so quickly, but they are our new best friends in missionary work. They are sharing the good news with alll their family and friends. And B and his sister are both looking to serve missions! Ah my joy is full.


Well ya'll. Life is good. The tender mercies of the Lord are always pouring down. Could be a crazy week for me. we'll see. Trust in the Lord and everything always turns out good. 


Have a nice week. 


Sista Hirschi

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