Monday, November 11, 2013

Let the miracles begin!

Oh hey everyone. 

 I want to start this email off with a spiritual note, or song--more appropriately, because the most amazing thing happened this week. The sorta thing that you read about in the ensign or the new era or something. I can’t believe still that it happened to me. Honestly, I am just grateful the Lord let me be a part of his miracle. 

 One night, me and Hma A are looking for referrals. We are walking the streets lost--as per usual, and so we go up to a door to ask for directions as we do nearly 56 times each and every day. The door is open, and on the couch is a man--and I’m gonna stick him at around 41 years old. He is chilling with his shirt off, as do most Salvadorians, and I’m thinking, “oh brother. Another person who will nonchalantly dismiss us.” I judged amiss. (As I normally do mind you). When we addressed him, he jumped up, put a shirt on, and immediately came to the door to greet us. After asking for directions, we explained that we were missionaries. 

 “Can we share a message with you about Christ??”

 “Yeah sure. Come on in.” 

“???? Are you under the influence right now or what?” haha nope. Just a nice middle aged man wanted to hear our message. 

So we entered, and we started to teach him. He was catholic, but he was EXTREMELY receptive to our message. When we taught about Joseph Smith...the spirit was illuminating the room, and this man--he just understood everything. It clicked for him. We taught him about prophets and he was like “ yeah...yeah of course we have prophets today.” 

He actually WANTED to read the Book of Mormon. Cool. Well, at one point in the lesson he started ranting and I got lost. He was speaking Spanish and what hope do I have when they are going 200 mph? None. We finish the lesson and he wants to meet with us with his family. Awesome. I was stoked about all this. 

 Well then Hma A and I get home. Hma A tells Hma S the story. Hma S then tells me my own story filling in the details I’d missed during the rant. I learn that I missed A LOT in that rant of his. 

 E*** is the man’s name. What he told us was that he had missed a church activity that evening by only a few minutes and so decided to stay home. As he was home, he decided to pray bc he had a lot of problems with his life and he wanted help with knowing what to do. So he prayed sincerely, and he asked God to help him out. He said 5 minutes later, we knocked on his door. 

 And then he said—“I will believe everything you tell me, because I know you are answer to my prayers from God,  and I know he has sent me the truth through you. 

HOW DID I MISS ALL OF THIS!!!! ehhhh????

This was a true blue miracle. In the flesh. In my life. Before my very eyes. E***! You are amazing! Your faith is amazing! God is omniscient! The gospel is true! How am I privileged to witness this??

 All I know is that God will answer sincere seekers of truth. That’s it. That’s the only thing I know worth anything in this life. If we seek the truth, God will show us the way. Always. 

 Needless to say, I am stoked to teach E*** and his family. They are those who are kept from the truth only because they know not where to find it. Can we all just say that the Lord is hastening his work?? Good stuff. The best stuff. Right here in Sonsonate. 

 In other news, I am adjusting, and I am building character every day. I am starting to really appreciate this country and the people. And the language is coming! It’s so exciting! This week I can separate words! I can recognize them! My comprehension still has much to be desired, but at I am progressing and it’s so encouraging. 

 PS God answers prayers. 

In other other news, the children here... Ah I love them. And when they see me....I mean, not to be a braggart...but they come running, and cheering, and this is a pretty excellent reception in my book! I am not sure why the kids and I are such good friends round these parts, bc I never know what they are saying to me and I teach them ridiculous American traditions… like how to pound it, how to say holy cow and how to say--upon seeing me--'our queen' haha ok just kidding on that last one. But I love the little children. We have way too much fun together. 

What’s more. The gospel is true. Prayer is so real. I have never felt so close to my Heavenly Father in my entire life. Because I have never prayed so sincerely!  I am, as always, so grateful for the Savior...who gives me all. You know a mission is pretty intimidating from day to day. I’m supposed to talk to everyone and share the news with all work 16 hours a day and be totally selfless. On occasion, this is a pinch trying. And I am not sure I can be what I know I need to be. But I also have trust...I trust that the Lord would not call me to this task if I could not be shaped to it. So here is an important lesson. The Lord never calls us to fail. Never. He will always make up for the strength we lack. So real-time, in my life right here, right now...this is hard to accept and understand and rely on, because it’s raw and it’s real. But I can feel the Gods love when I pray...and I can feel the reality of the Savior when I study the scriptures. Umm has anybody read King Benjamin’s discourse lately? He tore it up! It’s so amazing. All prophets from the beginning of time have taught us about Jesus Christ. Just do as he does. Just read the scriptures. Just pray. What is asked of us is not always easy, but it is for our good. That I KNOW is true. 

 That’s all I’ve got this week. My skin is thicker, my Spanish is better, my faith is stronger. I love you all. Thanks to all who wrote me. You are super stars and heroes. Have a wonderful week! 


Hma Hirschi

 PS I almost forgot my first name this week. 

PSPS I ordered 12 Pupusas in one sitting this week. But I saved some of them. Now I have the record and the Pupusa ladies are my number one fans because I am their number one customer. It’s a good relationship.



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